The headline on the Books page of the Albuquerque Journal was great:Cleopatra as a teen, before it all went so wrong. Great interview. Thumbnail picture of the jacket. Info about signings at two local bookstores; the first was Saturday afternoon. I posted flyers around the neighborhood, in coffee shops and at the library; sent out emails to friends; figured out what I'd talk about ("What we DON'T know about Cleopatra"); put on a clean shirt and lipstick; and prayed that at least a few interested people would show up, because it's just so depressing if they don't. (I have done readings with just one person present.)
The folks at Alamosa Books do a terrific job of setting up a reading. On the table with a display of CLEOPATRA CONFESSES and other CM books were (1) a very large stuffed crocodile (2) a stuffed cobra (3) a stuffed leopard. And there were refreshments: baklava, Turkish delight, pomegranate lemonade.
People came! They laughed! They bought books! And I got to bring home the extra baklava.
The folks at Alamosa Books do a terrific job of setting up a reading. On the table with a display of CLEOPATRA CONFESSES and other CM books were (1) a very large stuffed crocodile (2) a stuffed cobra (3) a stuffed leopard. And there were refreshments: baklava, Turkish delight, pomegranate lemonade.
People came! They laughed! They bought books! And I got to bring home the extra baklava.